Having a safe home is a top priority for most families. Edmour
Giguere owns Giguere Construction, and works hard to help people make
their homes safe. He is dedicated to his clients and he is an ambitious
business man. He has worked in construction for years, and is always
happy to discuss home safety with his clients. There are a few steps
every homeowner should take to ensure that their house is sound.

Electrical wiring can be a major safety concern, especially in older houses. If you are moving into an older home, or if you are renovating your home, ask your general contractor to check your houses wiring. If a previous homeowner patched the wiring themselves, or if the wiring has not been updated in several years, you could be living with a fire hazard. Rewiring your home can be costly, but the safety of your family is worth it.
If you have an older home, ask a professional to review your foundation. This is especially important if you live in an area that has extreme weather or earthquakes. It is important to check your foundation for cracks or sloping every few years.
If your home has an unfinished attic, make sure to have a professional inspect if every few years. These areas are susceptible to pests as well as water damage. If you do not go up into the attic, you could have a small leak up there and never know about it. Ask a professional, such as Edmour Giguere to check these spaces in order to make sure that they are safe and do not need any beams replaced.

Electrical wiring can be a major safety concern, especially in older houses. If you are moving into an older home, or if you are renovating your home, ask your general contractor to check your houses wiring. If a previous homeowner patched the wiring themselves, or if the wiring has not been updated in several years, you could be living with a fire hazard. Rewiring your home can be costly, but the safety of your family is worth it.
If you have an older home, ask a professional to review your foundation. This is especially important if you live in an area that has extreme weather or earthquakes. It is important to check your foundation for cracks or sloping every few years.
If your home has an unfinished attic, make sure to have a professional inspect if every few years. These areas are susceptible to pests as well as water damage. If you do not go up into the attic, you could have a small leak up there and never know about it. Ask a professional, such as Edmour Giguere to check these spaces in order to make sure that they are safe and do not need any beams replaced.